World cup とSenegalと・・ そして新メンバー



頑張りましたね日本代表!  でもね!この試合程、引き分けてくれ〜〜と願いながら見ていた試合はありませんでした。私・・・

なぜならば、この試合の日25日から修了時インターンの出身がなんと セネガル!!

日之出産業 23人目のABEイニシアティブインターン、そして2人目のセネガルからの学生の Mouhamadou Moussa Tine
6月に新潟の国際大学 国際経営学研究所を修了した



Who am I?
My name is Mouhamadou Moussa Tine. You can call me Musa or Musashi. I’m from Senegal (I guess all the Japanese know Senegal now). I’m an MBA graduate of the International University of Japan aka Kokusai Daigaku. My university is located in Niigata in the countryside, it’s the area of Koshihikari rice, a must. I enjoyed living in japan and would love to stay more. I want to have more experience working in Japan (still have my doors opened to opportunities).

Me and Hinode
Thanks to Fujita san I could do this 5 weeks internship in Hinode Sangyo. I believe, Hinode has a great potential and is willing to support African countries to better manage their waste waters. The HMBS is to me, so far, one of the best tools to treat sewage water. With HMBS the sewage water can go back safely to its natural habitat.

My experience at Hinode
My experience in Hinode is just cool. With a very comprehensive and warm staff, I could peacefully execute my task even though they are not bothers to MBA tasks. I could feel again what I felt in high school, doing these mind-blowing chemical experiences
What can Africa learn from Hinode and the city of Yokohama?
As an ABE scholar, my mission is make good use of the experience I have or will gain in japan to help my country develop. If we talk about development, the most recently used refence is the SDGs. With the support of Hinode, Senegal can reach the SDG goal number 16.

What is next?
Next, I’m looking forward to support Hinode in implementing the project I have proposed them. Also, I’m looking forward to see the government of Senegal learn from the City of Yokohama’s facilities. One facility that impressed me is the Hokubu which could extract gold and generate energy from the sludge of the sewage. They remaining part of the sludge could also be used as road construction materials. This a perfect and ecofriendly way of managing sewage water. They could show that waste water is not actually a waste. Indeed, it’s an asset.

General thank Fujita san and the whole team of Hinode Sangyo and the city of Yokohama for this lovely experience.

横浜市環境創造局の皆様から、福浦工場排水処理場 そして北部第2水再生センターと汚泥資源化センターの説明を受け、ハブステーションでは日之出産業のマイクロバブラー (HMB)の見学も・・・JICA横浜、そして横浜市環境創造局 国際局の皆様本当にありがとうございました!
インターンはまだまだ続きます。そして次回は フィリピン カガヤンデオロの皆様の研修風景をお届けします! それではまた!